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TEAM-PRRC helps members
- Protects the practice of PRRCs with its Code of Ethics.
- Investigates the problems faced by PRRCs in their activites and proposes solutions.
- Provides trainings and conferences to develop and maintain a high level of competence and profesionalism of PRRCs.
- Conducts regulatory oversight in all areas affedted by PRRCs activities.
- Promotes an understanding of the responsabilities and activites of PRRCs with other stakeholders such as health authorities in charge of national, European and international regulations and proposes unseful improvements where needed...
For our members only:
- the library of regulatory texts;
- the regulatory watch;
- the Forum;
- the FAQ
- the directory of members;
- many opportunities, discounts and special rates on training, webinars from our partners...
- the slides and videos from our webinars;
- a template Letter of appointement
- a template Agreement for external PRRC
And soon :
- a template job description
- a Position paper
- Mediation when PRRC is concerned due to the performance of Article 15 tasks
- an insurance policy dedicared to PRRCS.